Apologetics to the Glory of God

Tag: Chris Date

  • Peripatetic 29 – Theological Inclusivism

    On the perils of such beliefs, and examples thereof; to include C.S. Lewis, Kurt Jaros, Chris Date, William Lane Craig, and others.…

  • Debate: Annihilationism – Chris Date vs. Joshua Whipps

    Resolution: “The final punishment of the risen wicked will be annihilation, the permanent end to the conscious existence of the entire person.”

    The debate took place June 16th, and lasted just over 3 hours.

    Chris Date is the host of the Theopologetics podcast. Joshua is one of the contributors here at ChoosingHats. The debate was moderated by Dee Dee Warren, the hostess of the Preterist Podcast.…

  • Romans 6 and Prolepsis

    If, as we are told by Date and Co., death spoken of a present tense is prolepsis – an event spoken of as certain to occur in the future – are we to take regeneration to be something that occurs only after this death? For what are we born again, as if we had a need? It’s not as if we are dead, is it? For, as we are told, death is something to be considered as the actual deprivation of life; and speaking of “dead in trespasses and sins” as if it was a present reality is prolepsis, is …

  • You Don’t Want to be a Fish?

    50:46 Joey: You know, parables! As I bring up here. Some of the parables have almost nothing in them that actually transfers over. I bring up the parable of the fish, in Matthew 13:47-50. In that parable, it’s very brief, it speaks of a fisherman, he catches fish, the bad fish he throws away, the good fish he keeps. Now, the good fish represent the saved, but you do not want to be a fish! (Laughs) Just think about it, either way you get killed. And in fact, though I don’t know what fishing culture was like back in the

  • Undying Worms and Unquenchable Fire

    It is often asserted that there is a problem (for so-called “traditionalists”) with the use of Mark 9:48 due to it’s relation with Isaiah 66:24. This problem, according to Fudge, is that 1) Jesus quotes it “without amendment” 2) That the body is “already dead” and 3) That the fire “is a consuming, irresistible fire”. He relates “salted with fire” to mean the salting of a field, or of a place in order to make it uninhabitable. He cites Fields for his source, but we aren’t told, by Fudge, why this is supposed to have any connection with the passage …

  • Exploratory Questions For Chris Date #2

    I asked some other exploratory questions here, previously.

    1) Do unbelievers suffer in the Lake of Fire?
    2) If so, are they then annihilated by or after this experience?
    3) Why are they thus annihilated?
    4) What is the significance of salt in Old Testament sacrifices, and what is the relevance to being “salted with fire” in Mark 9:49?
    5) Do you believe that the Reformed doctrine of the immortality of man is of Greek origin?
    6) What is death, per your position?
    7) What sense does “eternal punishment” have when without respect to an object of that punishment?…

  • Exploratory Questions for Chris Date

    1) Do you believe that the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah were annihilated by God in Genesis 19?
    2) Do you believe that those who die the first death are annihilated?
    3) Do you continue to believe that there is no explanation/expansion of Old Testament texts by those who quote them in the New Testament?

    “I’m completely open to the possibility that New Testament authors, and the Lord himself, expanded upon Old Testament imagery; show me where they do that? They don’t, they just quote it. In Mark 9:48, Jesus simply quotes Isaiah’s language. What indication is there that the

  • Debate Update

    Chris Date and I have agreed that the debate will be held on June 16, 11:30 AM PST.

    That’s it 🙂…

  • Chris Date Receives Bad Advice

    Chris Date (not to be confused with Chris Bolt!) is an annihilationist who will be debating Choosing Hats contributor RazorsKiss on the following resolution: “The final punishment of the risen wicked will be annihilation, the permanent end to the conscious existence of the entire person.”

    See for example:




    When I came home tonight I saw a trackback to a post where Date quotes what is in his words some of the “best advice” he has received concerning the upcoming debate:


    I am not familiar with Date. I do not intend to be rude. However, Date …