Apologetics to the Glory of God

Category: Pneumatology

  • The Imperfection of the Saints

    In an exchange on Facebook recently, I encountered a Sinless Perfectionist of some stripe. Facebook being what it is, the back-and-forth was… unsatisfying. Eventually, I promised to exposit some Scriptures that taught progressive sanctification. It’s taken me longer than I wanted to get around to it (and I was rightly chided for my tardiness) – but I wanted to do justice to the subject when I did so. Hopefully, this treatment will be of benefit.

    Progressive Sanctification is the teaching of the Reformation, and all of the Reformation’s children. That being said, Protestantism in general is a much wider tent. …

  • The Mythos of Racial Reconciliation

    An Introduction, and A Few Articles Examined

    • For those who would prefer to read this in .pdf format, a link is provided at the bottom, just prior to the Appendix.

    As the adoptive father of a teenage son who many would consider “black” (as he is the product of a “white” biological mother and a “black” biological father – who we don’t even have a name for) living in the Deep South, it is vitally important for me to a have a developed anthropology, in order to faithfully deal with so-called “racial” issues. This is true not particularly for my …

  • Dr. Craig on the role of the Holy Spirit in unbelievers

    “Here (John 16:7-11) the Holy Spirit’s ministry is threefold: he convicts the unbeliever of his own sin, of God’s righteousness, and of his condemnation before God. The unbeliever so convicted can therefore be said to know such truths as “God exists,” “I am guilty before God,” and so forth.

    This is the way it has to be. For if it weren’t for the work of the Holy Spirit, no one would ever become a Christian. According to Paul, natural man left to himself does not even seek God: “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands, no one seeks